Sunday 27 March 2011

Today I met an Artist and a Sailor!

When I woke up yesterday morning, I had no idea that two new people that I would meet would include an artist and a sailor.

I decided to take a trip to Beccles and was in the picture framing shop next to Laura Ashley and got chatting to a wonderful lady and her husband about which frame she should chose for a beautiful pastel picture of flowers that she had created.  We had a lot to talk about and I discovered that she belongs to Abel Arts Studio and Gallery in Raveningham, where many different "genres" of art are made.  Well, now I want to go to Raveningham and see her group too as I love drawing and when I'm on the phone or doing a Sudoku I start doodling and love how it seems to go its own way with no planning on my part.  They have daily pastel classes, weekly workshops, taster classes for beginners, 2 day workshops and pastel painting holidays too.

So I'm adding the website link for the Art group and really hope that they will be able to come to the Festival in September, as soon as I know, it will appear on here!

Later in another shop, I met a sailor called Joe, well I say sailor, actually he was a plumbing lecturer at Lowestoft College, but he was in Naval uniform and looked jolly smart along with a group of other Sailors and Royal Marines.  It turned out he was a leader for the Sea Cadets (sorry Joe - I want to give your official title but forgot to ask, so for this blog I'll give you Admiral as your post!)

We chatted for a long time too (my daughter was incredibly patient!) and I discovered a lot of information about the Sea Cadets which is run by the Royal Navy in Beccles every week.

Today they are having an open day from 10am to 2pm with a display for you to watch as a new section of Marine Cadets is opening tomorrow. It will be at Beccles Sea Cadets, Fen Lane which is opposite Travis Perkins, Beccles NR34 9BH. Displays will include, weapons drill, Sailing, Powerboating, Physical Training, Pulling and Camping Skills.
For more information on the Cadets, click on their website, which I'll add, so you can contact them too.
Beccles is outside the Chet Community but only just and any children (aged 10 - 18)  in our area who may want to join the Sea Cadets and Royal Marine Cadets would find this is probably their nearest detachment.

Needless to say I have asked "Admiral" Joe if the Sea and Royal Marine Cadets would come to the Festival and hopefully this will be confirmed shortly, and I understand they even perform the Hornpipe with actions too so that would be worth watching!

If we can get the Air Cadets and Army Cadets and the Royal British Legion (who are celebrating their 90th anniversary this year) along too then it would be wonderful.

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